最終回 (My collection)


Fashion Design Marketing のコースの最終回。






70's Vintage

This collection was inspired in WOODSTOOK MUSIC FESTIVAL in 1969.
I decided to choose the 70's style,because during my stay in London,
I went to defferent vintage shops,and I could see well that the 80's is the
most trendy style.But I really enjoy to see around that shops different kinds of
clothes from the 70's.

I started to focus on all this clothes and also bags and belts.
I think the most important thing was the music in this time.More than half million
people came together.The music and fashion were influenced by this festival.

So,I suggest my collection,specialy casual and relaxed 70's vintage hippie mixed fashion.

  • Customer plofile

Here name is Jo,25 years old.
She is a web designer.
Basicly she is working in a office.
She travels every summer and she can't live without music:)
In her free time,she is involved in volunteer work.
And also growing some vegtables in the garden.
She is a healthy person...

  • Design

I have five images in my collection.
It's lace,leather,denim,cotton,and embroidery.Those are very simple and natural
but at the same time very rich.
And the colours are twe different trends in the 70's hippie style.
It's bright colour and simple white.